16th Nov 2015
I.Fairy Moe Moe Brown Review from Satu13
I. Fairy Moe Moe Brown from ifairycon.com ~ REVIEW

This time I ordered from a store that I stumbled upon while searching for some Kimchi lenses. I knew GEO had their own website with their lenses but I never knew about i.Fairy also having one, it's really cool though because they offer a big stock of lenses, and naturally you can find i.Fairy lenses here for a really good price; perhaps the cheapest online.
On my eyes these lenses are definitely on the golden side, they don't look green-ish in any way almost, unlike on those who have dark brown eyes (then they look pretty light green). I really don't mind though, I love gold/yellow as an eye color. They are pretty bright also :3
The dia. size is 16.2 mm and they're really really big. I don't think anyone could complain about the enlargement effect of these lenses. :P Perhaps they could actually be a bit smaller even. Anyway, these lenses are perfectly suitable for cosplay and special dolly looks.
Extremely comfortable. I was really curious if these i. Fairy lenses could compare to my previous Vassen or EOS lenses. I can't say how long it takes until they start to feel dry because I've never worn them for more than 6 hours and until then they felt very nice.These were perhaps even the most comfortable lenses I've ever had.
Awesome choice, great value, fast shipping - it took like a week to Sweden, instead of predicted 10-18 days ♥ will definitely buy more lenses from ifairycon.com they have so many more pretty lenses