I-CODI Colors Of The Wind No.2 Sweet Ruby
I.fairy (www.ifairycon.com/) recently sponsored me with another pair of contact lenses, and today I want to review these for you! Before we start
i. Fairy Siberian Blue lenses from ifairycon.com - Review
Here's a new review for my second pair of I.Fairy lenses ever, from the Siberian series by I.Fairy, in blue color.ICK Freshlook Turquoise, an
This two lenses is so comfortable & I really like it !! It looks so natural in me in my opinion. ^^ I've used that for 3-4 months for each pair of them actuallly, & I can say that I fall in love with this two lenses !! xD N...Read MoreRead more about https://38.media.tumblr.com/91ad6fadcb5
ot only that, I also chose to wear "Kimchi Black Prince" in one of special day of mine, that is my graduation day !! :) https://33.media.tumblr.com/7c650d54b084b1e88c2f4bab285894d6/tumblr_nfagfhdbDe1rfsf1go2_1280.jpg
Thankyou I.Fairyy !! ♥♥ Read LessRead less about https://38.media.tumblr.com/91ad6fadcb5
Review by Jnii B. on 19 Nov 2014review stating Kimchi Prince Black & Kimchi Choco
Truthfully said, the first time ever experience for me to bought contact lenses from foreign country is when I ordered contact lenses from I.Fairy. & I must say first that I.Fairy have very very good services !! #2thumbsup This store really leaves very good impressions for me because the admin that I've ever ask is very friendly. She/he wa...Read MoreRead more about Truthfully said, the first time ever
s so patient in explaining to me about some promotions until about shipping, because as you all know, it needs a little long time in shipping to other countries, and at the other hand, don't forget that it was my first experience :)
Two that I've bought is "Kimchi Black Prince" and "Kimchi Choco", but I only can find one close up photo of me while using the choco one that is me while using the white blazer in the photo. *Excuse my face & expression > Read LessRead less about Truthfully said, the first time ever
Review by MisaPyon on 14 Nov 2014review stating I.Fairy Pearl Black Review
I loved them so much.They were really comfortable and soft.Made my eyes look very dolly like and the enlargement was great. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10701934_790320881024441_4452441210240558075_n.jpg?oh=63642f8c98337dfd7ac835e12eaff513&oe=551CCF33&__gda__=1423507973_8e0c9c71f9efbf44857e3832f60fea...Read MoreRead more about I loved them so much.They were really
0a Read LessRead less about I loved them so much.They were really
Review by Akemi S. on 16 Aug 2013review stating Satisfied as always~
I actually won a pair of Dolly Red 0 degrees for their monthly contest~ I've been a fan of Ifairy contact lenses for a long time. They're always so comfortable. I dare say that its the most comfortable brand of lenses I've ever wore. Plus , It has a huge diameter! Perfect for people with small eyes like me haha.