Freshlook ColorBlends Pure Hazel
FreshLook ColorBlends is the world's #1 selling color contact lens!
These contacts provide a unique 3-in-1 technology, blending three colors into one to create the subtle, natural depth of beautiful eyes. Choose from different shades of blue, green, brown, gray, and amethyst. The colors are pigmented enough to be effective on both light and dark eyes.
You'll love the freedom of crisp, clear vision and enhanced comfort owing to the super thin material and high water content. FreshLook Colorblends is approved by US FDA.
Brand: Freshlook
Water content: 55%
Diameter: 14.5 mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Duration: Monthly Disposable
Package: 2 pcs (1 pair) of the same power. Please order quantity of 2 if you have different power for each eye.
Very Realistic and comfortable.
Everyone assumes that they are my actual eye color.