Brand: I.Fairy
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 55%
Diameter: 16.2mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Duration: One Year Disposable
These lenses are sooo beautiful! I got lots of compliments while wearing them! I wish I could upload pictures so I could show how beautiful they look on my blue eyes! Visit my cospage and send me a message if you'd like to see a close up photo comparison and me wearing them in cosplay ^.^ ~ Xi Cosplay
wide pupil - no inner blend
Pretty comfortable, much wider colour band than I'm used to, increased iris size. Dark unless light on them except where colour over white of eye which brightened it. But no "blending" on the inner edge, so the edge of contact's colour was sometimes quite obvious against my hazel/brown. Sometimes looked like I had a hazel pupil, almost like reflective redeye in real life! I've tried to put photos so people can see (hope it works)https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=351571068509480&set=a.351570955176158.1073741830.100009697683428&type=3&theater
Super bright and pretty!
Perfect for cosplay
Very comfortable, thin and provides excellent enlargemet and coverage. Bright enough to show on dark eyes and perfect for cosplay
Nice enlargement and colour
Loved this lens at first sight. It is comfortable to wear and has a striking color. Upon wearing, my eye immediately looks bigger and watery/dolly. Suitable for uses such as cosplay.
They're pretty shiny and colorful. A great choice to give someone big, green and beautiful eyes. I totally recommend them.