ot only that, I also chose to wear "Kimchi Black Prince" in one of special day of mine, that is my graduation day !! :)
Thankyou I.Fairyy !! ♥♥ Read LessRead less about https://38.media.tumblr.com/91ad6fadcb5
s so patient in explaining to me about some promotions until about shipping, because as you all know, it needs a little long time in shipping to other countries, and at the other hand, don't forget that it was my first experience :)
Two that I've bought is "Kimchi Black Prince" and "Kimchi Choco", but I only can find one close up photo of me while using the choco one that is me while using the white blazer in the photo.
*Excuse my face & expression > Read LessRead less about Truthfully said, the first time ever
0a Read LessRead less about I loved them so much.They were really